Dental subluxation
Revision as of 21:00, 2 December 2021 by Rossdonaldson1 (talk | contribs)
Dental Numbering
- Adult (permanent) teeth identified by numbers
- From the midline to the back of the mouth on each side, there is a central incisor, a lateral incisor, a canine, two premolars (bicuspids), and three molars
- Children (non-permanent) teeth identified by letters
- Common landmarks:
- 1: Right upper wisdom
- 8 & 9: Upper incisors
- 16: Left upper wisdom
- 17: Left lower wisdom
- 24 & 25: Lower incisors
- 32: Right lower wisdom
Clinical Features
- Tooth is mobile but is still in original anatomic position
- If multiple consecutive teeth are involved, rule out underlying alveolar ridge fracture or other mandible fracture
Differential Diagnosis
Dentoalveolar Injuries
Odontogenic Infections
- Acute alveolar osteitis (dry socket)
- Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (trench mouth)
- Dental abscess
- Periapical abscess
- Periodontal abscess
- Ludwig's angina
- Pulpitis (dental caries)
- Pericoronitis
- Peritonsillar abscess (PTA)
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- Vincent's angina - tonsillitis and pharyngitis
- Clinical diagnosis
Extrusive Luxation
- (tooth is moved partially out of the socket)
- Reposition tooth
- Follow up within 24hr for stabilization
- Temporizing measure: Periodontal pack (e.g.-Coe-Pak) in which tooth is bonded to its two neighboring teeth on both sides
- Mix the resin and catalyst paste and apply to completely dry teeth
- May use nasal cannula with oxygen as a air/drying source
- May place gauze rolls in mucobuccal fold to absorb saliva
- Wet or lubricated goves will allow for easier handling
- Apply splinting to the facial side of the teeth, spanning approximately 1-2 teeth in either direction
- Avoid covering the occlusal (biting) surface
Lateral Luxation
- (tooth displaced in a direction other than inward or outward)
- More extensive injury than extrusive luxation
- Associated with cracking or fracture of the surrounding alveolar bone
- Attempt repositioning of tooth
- Apply temporary splinting with periodontal dressing
- Follow up within 24hr for stabilization
Intrusive Luxation
- (tooth is forced inward into the socket)
- Most serious because of significant damage to alveolar socket and periodontal ligament
- Allow tooth to erupt on its own
- Discharge with dental follow up