Double sugar tong splint



  • Elbow and forearm fracture - prox/mid/distal radius and ulnar fracture.


Double Sugar Tong.gif
  • Assess distal pulse, motor, and sensation
  • Apply padding and splint material (e.g. Ortho-glass) as shown
    • First sugar tong from proximal palmar crease, around elbow, to dorsum of MCP joints
    • Second sugar tong from the deltoid insertion distally around the 90-degree flexed elbow, then proximally to 3 inches short of the axilla [1]
  • Wrist should be maintained in slight extension (approximately 20°)
  • Maintain position until splint hardens and secure to arm (e.g. with ace wraps)
  • Reassess distal pulse, motor, and sensation

See Also


  1. Splints and Casts: Indications and Methods Accessed April 5, 2017