Gastroesophageal reflux disease


  • Affects up to 20% of population
  • Assume chest pain is cardiac origin until proven otherwise
  • Causes
  1. Decreased pressure of lower esophageal sphincter
    1. High-fat food
    2. Nicotine
    3. Ethanol
    4. Caffeien
    5. Meds (mintrates, CCBs, anticholinergics, progesterone/estrogen)
    6. Pregnancy
  2. Decreased esophageal motility
    1. Achalasia
    2. Scleroderma
    3. Diabetes
  3. Prolonged gastric emptying
    1. Anticholinergics
    2. Outlet obstruction
    3. Diabetic gastroparesis
  4. High-fat food


  • Pain and discomfort w/ meals
  • Chest pain w/ features similar to ACS:
    • Exertional, a/w diaphoresis, N/V, radiating to arm


  1. Avoid GERD exacerbating agents (ETOH, caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, fatty foods)
  2. Sleep w/ head of bed elevated
  3. Avoid eating w/in 3hr of sleep
  4. PPI or H2 blocker


See Also

