In-training exam review


This page consists of high-yield word associations meant for rapid review while studying for ITE or boards


Question Answer
Treatments for Torsades de pointes? Magnesium, Isoproterenol, Overdrive pacing, Defibrillation
Most specific sign in acute CHF? S3
Joules for synchronized cardioversion? (with biphasic) Narrow regular(eg SVT): 50-100 J

Narrow irregular (eg A fib): 120-200 J (50-100 J often sufficient for A flutter)

Wide regular (eg Vtach): 100 J

Joules for defibrillation? 120-200 J
Most common cause of pacemaker failure to pace? Oversensing
EKG findings in pericarditis? Diffuse PR depressions and ST elevations (reversed in aVR)
Dialysis patient w/ new-onset heart failure. Pressing on fistula causes pulse to drop from 130 to 90 bpm. Dx and sign? High-output heart failure, Branham sign
Treatment for patient with ACS with aspirin allergy? Clopidogrel
How to distinguish early repolarization from pericarditis? ST/T ratio < 0.25 in early repolarization
Cardiac transplant patient with bradycardia. Which drug will NOT work? Atropine due to denervation of heart during transplantation



Question Answer
Painful bowel movements with BRB when wiping? Anal fissure
Most common cause of small bowel obstruction? Adhesions
Most common cause of large bowel obstruction? Cancer
Management of thrombosed hemorrhoid? Elliptical incision to remove clot
Risk factors for sigmoid volvulus? Elderly, residents of long-term and psychiatric facilities, hx chronic constipation
Risk factors for cecal volvulus? Younger patients than sigmoid volvulus (30-60 yo), pregnancy
Most common location for esophageal foreign body in children? Cricopharyngeus muscle
Most common location for esophageal foreign body in adults? Lower esophageal sphincter
Infant with bloody stools that are hemoccult negative after recently starting antibiotics. Diagnosis? Cefdinir
Toddler with bloody diarrhea and seizures. Diagnosis? Shigella
Diagnostic criteria for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis? Ascitic fluid with PMNs ≥250 (≥100 for peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis)


Question Answer
Best solutions for an avulsed tooth? Hank's solution>Milk>Saliva>Saline
Ellis classification for dental fractures? Class I: Enamel

Class II: Dentin exposed

Class III: Pulp exposed

Management: Dental referral, Class I file down sharp edges, Classes II/III cover with calcium hydroxide

Most common source in anterior epistaxis? Kiesselbach plexus
Most common source in posterior epistaxis? Sphenopalatine artery
"Woody" texture and swelling of submandibular tissues w/ tongue elevation? Ludwig's angina
Most common organism in otitis externa? Pseudomonas
Most common organism in otitis media? Strep pneumo

Infectious Disease





Question Answer
Lab findings and treatment for ethanol toxicity? + osmolar gap, + anion gap (if ketoacidosis), supportive care
Lab findings and treatment for methanol toxicity? + osmolar, + anion gap, fomepizole, thiamine, pyridoxine, +/- dialysis
Lab findings and treatment for ethylene glycol toxicity? + osmolar, + anion gap, fomepizole, folinic acid, +/- dialysis
Lab findings and treatment for isopropyl alcohol toxicity? + osmolar gap, - anion gap, supportive care
Beta blocker overdose antidotes? Glucagon and high dose insulin
Beta blocker overdose with wide QRS? Propranolol
Beta blocker overdose with prolonged QT? Sotalol
Dispo for patient who presents comatose and is intubated for airway protection, then wakes up in the ED and is A&Ox4? Discharge (GHB toxicity, short half life)
Mechanism of benzodiazepines? Increase frequency of GABA-A channel opening
Mechanism of barbiturates? Increase duration of GABA-A channel opening
Mnemonic for common dialyzable toxins? BLISTMED and ISTUMBLED
Ingestion that mimics tetanus and exhibits "awake" seizures in which patient is alert and oriented during tonic-clonic activity? Strychnine

See also