Pulmonary barotrauma
Revision as of 05:58, 6 January 2022 by Rossdonaldson1 (talk | contribs)
- Occurs when diver breathing compressed air ascends too rapidly
Barotrauma Types
- Otic barotrauma
- Pulmonary barotrauma
- Sinus barotrauma
- Mask squeeze
- Barodentalgia (trapped dental air causing squeeze)
Diving Physiology
- Pascals Law applies to the diving body (without air filled areas such as lungs) states that the pressure applied to any part of the enclosed liquid will be transmitted equally in all directions through the liquid.
- Boyles Law applies to the diving body's air filled areas such as lungs, sinuses, middle ear, and states that the volume and pressure of a gas at a given temperature are inversely related.
- At 2 ATA (10m/33ft) a given gas would be 1/2 it's volume, at 3 ATA (20m/66ft) it would be 1/3 it's volume and so on.
Clinical Features
- Symptoms occur minutes to hours after surfacing
- Can occur without rapid ascent in patients with obstructive lung disease
- Lung rupture can lead to:
Differential Diagnosis
Diving Emergencies
- Barotrauma of descent
- Otic barotrauma
- Pulmonary barotrauma
- Sinus barotrauma
- Mask squeeze
- Barodentalgia (trapped dental air causing squeeze)
- Barotrauma of ascent
- Pulmonary barotrauma (pulmonary overpressurization syndrome)
- Decompression sickness (DCS)
- Arterial gas embolism
- Alternobaric vertigo
- Facial baroparesis (Bells Palsy)
- At depth injuries
- Oxygen toxicity
- Nitrogen narcosis
- Hypothermia
- Contaminated gas mixture (e.g. CO toxicity)
- Caustic cocktail from rebreathing circuit
Barotrauma Types
- Otic barotrauma
- Pulmonary barotrauma
- Sinus barotrauma
- Mask squeeze
- Barodentalgia (trapped dental air causing squeeze)
- Clinical diagnosis; do not delay intervention for studies
- Assess for alternate etiologies
- Pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax do not require recompression; see management section on those pages
- Air embolism
- IVF (increases tissue perfusion)
- Rapid recompression