Sepsis (main)


  • Pancreatitis may appear identical to sepsis
  • Infection sources:
    • CNS, pulm, abd, GU, skin
      • Childbearing age woman: septic abortion, postpartum endometritis
      • No obvious source: consider bacteremia, endocarditis


  1. Sepsis
    1. Documented or suspected infection AND 2 or more of the following:
      1. Temp >38.3 or <36
      2. HR >90
      3. Resp rate >20 or CO2 <32
      4. WBC >12K, <4K, or >10% bands
  2. Severe sepsis
    1. Sepsis AND 1 or more of the following signs of organ dysfunction:
      1. Lactate > upper limit of normal
      2. Urine output <0.5 mL/kg for >2hr, despite adequate fluid resuscitation
      3. Cr >2 (presumed to be new)
      4. Bilirubin >2 (presumed to be new)
      5. Plt <100K (presumed to be new)
      6. INR >1.5 (presumed to be new)
      7. ALI
        1. PaO2/FIO2 <250 in absence of PNA as infection source
        2. PaO2/FIO2 <200 in presence of PNA as infection source
  3. Septic shock
    1. SBP <90 after adequate fluid challenge OR
    2. Lactate >4



  • CBC
  • UA/UCx
  • Blood cx
  • CXR
  • Chem
  • LFT
  • Lipase
  • VBG
  • Lactate
  • Coags
  • DIC panel (fibrinogen, D-dimer, FDP)
  • T&S
  • ?CT head/LP

Early Goal Directed Therapy

  1. Goals
    1. Preload Goal: CVP >8 (>12 if intubated)
    2. Afterload Goal: MAP >65
    3. Perfusion goal: ScvO2 >70% OR lactate clearance >10%
    4. Hb >10 (if ScvO2 target not otherwise met)
    5. Lactate clearance of at least 10%
    6. Urine output >0.5 mL/kg
  2. Airway
    1. Careful - sedatives for intubation may worsen hypotension
    2. Careful - PPV reduces preload and CO
  3. Breathing
    1. Maintain O2 sat >93%
    2. Maintain PaCO2 at 35-40
    3. Consider early mechanical ventilation
      1. Rationale:
        1. Ensures efficient oxygenation
        2. Decreases O2 demand by respiratory muscles
      2. Settings
        1. Tidal volume 6mL/kg ideal wt
        2. Plateau pressure <30
  4. Circulation
    1. IVF - Reassess after each bolus
      1. Average is 5-6L w/in first 6hr
      2. IVF can be harmful in cardiogenic shock or in pts w/ pulm edema
    2. Pressors
      1. Indicated if MAP<60 despite adequate IVF or if IVF are contraindicated
      2. Best if given when the vascular space is filled; ok if it's not
      3. Options:
        1. Norepi (5-20mcg/min) OR dopamine (5-20mcg/kg/min)
    3. Inotropes
      1. Dobutamine (2-20mcg/kg/min) if perfusion goal not met despite Hb >10
  5. Infection Control
    1. Source Control
      1. Remove infected lines, surgery if indicated
    2. Abx
      1. Give ASAP
      2. See Sepsis (Initial Abx)
  6. Coagulation
    1. Consider FFP if INR >1.5
    2. Consider plts if <50K
  7. Steroids
    1. Controversial
    2. Consider hydrocortisone 100 mg if pressor resistant

See Also

Sepsis (Initial Abx)


  • Tintinalli
  • Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2008