Thoracic trauma
- Must determine if injury also traverses the diaphragm (intra-abdominal injury)
- Most deaths in thoracic trauma patients are due to non-cardiothoracic injuries
- Excessive positive pressure ventilation can lead to reduced venous return, tension pneumothorax (avoid excess bagging)
- Place central lines on the SAME side as existing injury or pneumothorax (prevent bilateral pneumothorax)
- Hypotensive resuscitation in chest trauma may be beneficial
Clinical Features
- Seat-belt sign indicates possible deceleration or vascular injury
- determine seatbelt placement (if worn improperly or abnormal body habitus)
- Paradoxical wall movement indicates flail chest
- Neck veins
- Distended
- Flat
- Circulatory shock
- Hemothorax
- Swollen face
- Conjunctival injection + facial edema + mechanism conducive to traumatic asphyxia may indicate SVC compression
- also consider judicial/non-judicial hanging and strangulation
- Conjunctival injection + facial edema + mechanism conducive to traumatic asphyxia may indicate SVC compression
- Subcutaneous emphysema
- Anterior neck/supraclavicular
- Tracheobronchial tree
- Esophagus (Boerhaave's syndrome)
- Chest wall
- Visceral/parietal pleura
- Anterior neck/supraclavicular
- Neck
- Trachea midline or displaced
- Chest wall
- Localized tenderness or crepitus due to rib fracture or subcutaneous emphysema
- Sternum
- Localized tenderness, crepitus, or mobile segment suggests fracture
Differential Diagnosis
Thoracic Trauma
- Airway/Pulmonary
- Cardiac/Vascular
- Musculoskeletal
- Other
- Ultrasound
- Can diagnosis hemothorax, pneumothorax, tamponade, rib fracture, sternum fracture
- Can diagnosis hemothorax, pneumothorax, rib fracture, pulmonary contusion, diaphragmatic rupture
- Frequently underestimates the severity/extent of chest trauma
- CT
- Gold-standard
Nexus chest CT in trauma rule (major injury)
CT if any one of the following:
- Abnormal CXR
- Distracting injury
- Tenderness of:
- Chest wall
- Sternum
- Thoracic spine
- Scapula
- 99% for major injuries
- 90% for minor injuries
- Treat underlying condition
- Asymptomatic thoracic stab wound
- Repeat CXR in 4-6hr; if no delayed pneumothorax seen, patient can be discharged
- Disposition otherwise home, to OR, to ward, or to ICU depending on injuries
- Common after severe trauma, especially if patient was unconscious at any time
- Radiologic changes may be delayed up to 24hr (consolidation)
- Due to chemical pneumonitis from gastric contents
- No evidence to support prophylactic antibiotics to prevent pulmonary infection
Systemic air embolism
- Patients with penetrating chest wounds who require PPV are at risk
- May lead to dysrhythmias or CVA
- Treatment
- 100% NRB