Apgar score

(Redirected from APGAR)


  • Performed at 1 and 5 minutes of life
  • Score range = 0 - 10
  • Designed to assess newborn's condition at birth[1]
    • Real-time use only - not a predictive score


Apgar score

Score of 0 Score of 1 Score of 2
Appearance blue or pale all over
(central cyanosis)
peripheral cyanosis (acrocyanosis)
body pink
no cyanosis
body and extremities pink
Pulse absent <100 beats per minute >100 beats per minute
Grimace no response to stimulation grimace on suction or aggressive stimulation cry on stimulation
Activity none some flexion flexed arms and legs that resist extension
Respiration absent weak, irregular, gasping strong, lusty cry

Score at 1 minute and 5 minutes post delivery.

See Also


  1. Montgomery KS. Apgar Scores: Examining the Long-term Significance. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 2000;9(3):5-9. doi:10.1624/105812400X87716.