Abdominal pain

(Redirected from Abdominal Pain)

For pediatric patients see Abdominal pain (peds). See also abdominal pain (geriatrics) and Abdominal pain in pregnancy.


  • Patients with immunosuppression often have delayed or atypical presentations
  • Fever is not a reliable marker for surgical disease
  • Abdominal pain may be particularly misleading in elderly or diabetics
  • Consider pain in any abdominal or pelvic region in a female of child-bearing age, including pre-teens, is an ectopic pregnancy until proven otherwise

Classification by Abdominal pain location

Side-by-side comparison of quadrants and regions.
Chart of commonly reported referred pain sites.
RUQ pain Epigastric pain LUQ pain
Flank pain Diffuse abdominal pain Flank pain
RLQ pain Pelvic pain LLQ pain

Clinical Features

  • Abdominal pain (see workup by location)
  • May be associated with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Fever may be present in pain from infectious etiology

Differential Diagnosis

Diffuse Abdominal pain

Epigastric Pain

RUQ Pain

Left upper quadrant abdominal pain

RLQ Pain

LLQ Pain

Acute Pelvic Pain

Differential diagnosis of acute pelvic pain






Extra-abdominal Sources of Abdominal pain



  • Treat underlying cause
  • Multiple studies show pain medicine should not be withheld for fear of masking symptoms


  • Depends on etiology
  • The two most notoriously missed conditions are appendicitis and small bowel obstruction.[2]. When discharging patients with abdominal pain, clear instructions should be given for return if there are red flags.

See Also


  1. Norris DL, Young JD. UTI. EM Clin N Am. 2008; 26:413-30.
  2. Macaluso CR and McNamara RM. Evaluation and management of acute abdominal pain in the emergency department. Int J Gen Med. 2012; 5: 789–797. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3468117/