Caustic cocktail
- Accident/injury that can occur to rebreather divers
- Occurs when absorbent material (commonly Sofnolime and Intersorb) used to scrub CO2 from breathing gas is inundated with water
- Significant water + absorbent medium --> highly corrosive alkaline-based liquid containing calcium or sodium hydroxide
- Inhaling this liquid--> caustic chemical burns to lungs
Clinical Features
- Chemical burns to oropharyngeal mucosa/airways/lungs
- Mouth/throat/chest pain
- Cough, hemoptysis, SOB, respiratory distress
- Laryngospasm, bronchospasm
Differential Diagnosis
Diving Emergencies
- Barotrauma of descent
- Otic barotrauma
- Pulmonary barotrauma
- Sinus barotrauma
- Mask squeeze
- Barodentalgia (trapped dental air causing squeeze)
- Barotrauma of ascent
- Pulmonary barotrauma (pulmonary overpressurization syndrome)
- Decompression sickness (DCS)
- Arterial gas embolism
- Alternobaric vertigo
- Facial baroparesis (Bells Palsy)
- At depth injuries
- Oxygen toxicity
- Nitrogen narcosis
- Hypothermia
- Contaminated gas mixture (e.g. CO toxicity)
- Caustic cocktail from rebreathing circuit
- Supportive