

Antibiotic Sensitivities[3]


  • S susceptible/sensitive (usually)
  • I intermediate (variably susceptible/resistant)
  • R resistant (or not effective clinically)
  • S+ synergistic with cell wall antibiotics
  • U sensitive for UTI only (non systemic infection)
  • X1 no data
  • X2 active in vitro, but not used clinically
  • X3 active in vitro, but not clinically effective for Group A strep pharyngitis or infections due to E. faecalis
  • X4 active in vitro, but not clinically effective for strep pneumonia

Table Overview

See Also


  1. Swisher, Loice A.; Roberts, James R.; Glynn, Martin J. (1994). "Needle licker's osteomyelitis". The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 12 (3): 343–6.
  2. Sheng, W.-S.; Hsueh, P.-R.; Hung, C.-C.; Teng, L.-J.; Chen, Y.-C.; Luh, K.-T. (2001). "Clinical Features of Patients with Invasive Eikenella corrodens Infections and Microbiological Characteristics of the Causative Isolates". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 20 (4): 231–6.
  3. Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2014