(Redirected from Hangings)
- Strangulation
- Hanging, ligature, manual or postural strangulation
- Homicide, assault, suicide or execution
- Mechanism of death/injury [1]
- Spinal cord/brainstem injury
- Mechanical compression
- Bradycardia
- Upper C-spine fractures
- Judicial hanging, greater heights
- Jugular venous obstruction
- Cerebral congestion
- Loss of consciousness
- Arterial compression
- Cerebral ischemia
- Airway compression
- Carotid baroreceptor reflex
Clinical Features
- Facial petechiae
- Ecchymoses
- Airway
- Hoarseness
- Stridor
- Fracture of larynx, hyoid, thyroid cartilage
- Laryngeal edema
- Cardiopulmonary
- Neurologic
- Spinal cord trauma
- Hangman's fracture uncommon
- Neurogenic shock
- Cerebral anoxia
- Cerebral edema
- Delayed dementia, amnesia, psychosis
Differential Diagnosis
Neck Trauma
- Penetrating neck trauma
- Blunt neck trauma
- Cervical injury
- Neurogenic shock
- Spinal cord injury
- Chem 10
- Type and screen
- Lactate
- EtOH, Utox
- CT brain
- CT cervical spine
- CTA neck criteria from Taming of the Sru Grand Rounds [2]directly quoted below:
- Guidelines for imaging: GCS<8, audible neck bruit, expanding neck hematoma, focal neurologic deficit (including TIAs, Horner’s syndrome, vertebrobasilar syndrome), arterial bleeding from nose, mouth, neck
- OR consider adding on if high C spine fracture, cervical vertebral body or fracture through foramen transversarium, subluxation or ligamentous injury at any level, significant thoracic/cardiac blunt force trauma, LeFort II or III fractures, skull base fracture, diffuse axonal injury
- CTA neck AND head (can miss top of carotids with just CTA neck)
- Guidelines for imaging: GCS<8, audible neck bruit, expanding neck hematoma, focal neurologic deficit (including TIAs, Horner’s syndrome, vertebrobasilar syndrome), arterial bleeding from nose, mouth, neck
Denver screening criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury
The Denver Screening Criteria are divided into risk factors and signs and symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
- Arterial hemorrhage
- Cervical bruit
- Expanding neck hematoma
- Focal neurologic deficit
- Neuro exam inconsistent with head CT
- Stroke on head CT
Risk Factors
- Midface Fractures (Le Fort II or III)
- Basilar Skull Fracture with carotid canal involvement
- Diffuse axonal injury with GCS<6
- Cervical spine fracture
- Hanging with anoxic brain injury
- Seat belt abrasion or other soft tissue injury of the anterior neck resulting in significant swelling or altered mental status
- Secure airway if indicated
- Stridor/hoarseness suggests upper airway obstruction
- Cervical spine immobilization
- Cardiac monitoring
- Antibiotics if aspiration present
- PEEP for hypoxia
- Levophed for neurogenic shock
- Observation warranted if awake, alert, no stridor
- Psychiatric assessment
See Also
- ↑ Iserson, K. V. (1984) ‘Strangulation: A review of ligature, manual, and postural neck compression injuries’, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 13(3), pp. 179–185.
- ↑ Taming of the Sru Grand Rounds Recap 11.6.19 accessed 11/25/2019. Copy permission given by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license Taming of the Sru Website
- ↑ DiPerna CA, Rowe VL, Terramani TT, et al. Clinical importance of the “seat belt sign” in blunt trauma to the neck. Am Surg. 2002;68:441–445
- ↑ Rozycki GS, Tremblay L, Feliciano DV, et al. A prospective study for the detection of vascular injury in adult and pediatric patients with cervicothoracic seat belt signs. J Trauma. 2002;52:618–623; discussion 623–624
- ↑ Sherbaf FG, Chen B, Pomeranz T, et al. Value of emergent neurovascular imaging for “Seat belt injury”: A multi-institutional study. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2021;42(4):743-748