Maisonneuve fracture
(Redirected from Maisonneuve Fracture)
- Lower extremity equivalent of Galeazzi fracture
- Fibula fracture (anywhere from head or as far down as 6cm above ankle joint)
- Deltoid ligament rupture or medial malleolus avulsion fracture
- Injury then directed upward and laterally tearing interosseous membrane and anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
- May involve posterior tibiofibular ligament or posterior malleolar fracture
Clinical Features
- Results from external rotation force applied to foot
Differential Diagnosis
Distal Leg Fracture Types
- Tibial plateau fracture
- Tibial shaft fracture
- Pilon fracture
- Maisonneuve fracture
- Tibia fracture (peds)
- Ankle fracture
- Foot and toe fractures
- Assess distal pulse, motor, and sensation
- Inspect skin for signs of open fracture
- Long leg film that includes ankle
- Increase in medial clear space of ankle joint
- Tibiofibular clear space widened >5mm
- High fibular fracture
- Signs of syndesmotic injury
General Fracture Management
- Acute pain management
- Open fractures require immediate IV antibiotics and urgent surgical washout
- Neurovascular compromise from fracture requires emergent reduction and/or orthopedic intervention
- Consider risk for compartment syndrome
Specific Management
- Long leg posterior splint with reduction of medial ankle and syndesmotic clear space
Depends on degree of associated ankle injury
- If splinted and stabilized, can be discharged after consultation with ortho[1]
- Will need close follow-up for likely operative repair
- Admit for:[2]
- Open fracture
- Signs of neurovascular injury
- Concern for compartment syndrome
Specialty Management
- Usually requires surgical intervention (syndesmotic screws; proximal fibular fracture usually requires no fixation)