- Inflammation of vein
Clinical Features
- Localized erythema, swelling, and pain/tenderness along vein
- +/- palpable, indurated venous cord
- +/- fever
Differential Diagnosis/Causes
- Superficial thrombophlebitis due to VTE, chronic venous stasis
- Trauma from peripheral venous access (iatrogenic or IVDU)
- Medication infusion related
- e.g. Aztreonam, vancomycin, phenytoin, amiodarone, dobutamine, concentrated potassium,
- Infectious (septic or supparative phlebitis/thrombophlebitis)
- Associated with IVDU, prolonged PIV catheter use, strep/toxic shock syndrome, post obstetric/gynecologic surgery (septic pelvic thrombophlebitis)
- Vasculitis
- NSAIDs for pain
- Compression
- Antibiotics if infection present
- Anticoagulation if associated with DVT or septic pelvic thrombophlebitis