Right ventricular hypertrophy
(Redirected from RVH)
ECG Findings
- RVH is usually associated with right atrial enlargement or right ventricular strain (deep ST inversions in leads V1-V3)
- Dominant R in V1 >7mm
- RSR in V1 with QRS < 0.12
- These criteria are less sensitive and specific than LVH criteria
Differential Diagnosis
Cardiac Hypertrophy and Enlargement
- Right atrial enlargement
- Left atrial enlargement
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
Causes of R > 7mm in V1
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
- Posterior MI
- Normal Variant
See Also
- Lecture by Dr. James Niemann MD
- Journal of Electrocardiology. Vol 43 (2010). 40-42.