Sudden infant death syndrome
(Redirected from SIDS)
- Abbreviation: SIDS
- Unexpected death of infants <1yr for which no pathologic cause can be determined
- Most deaths occur between 2-4 months of age
- Rare in <1 month of age
- Diagnosis of exclusion
Risk Factors
- Prone sleeping
- Odds ratio of 4.92, one of biggest modifiable risk factors
- Likely from combination of hypercarbia and hyperthermia (heat dissipated through head)
- Soft bedding
- Bed-sharing
- Parental smoking
- Male sex
- Prematurity / Developmental delay
- Socioeconomic disadvantage
- Mothers <20 yo
- Maternal exposure to smoking, alcohol, drugs of abuse
Protective Factors
- Use of pacifier
- Breastfeeding
- Immunizations
- Home monitoring is NOT protective
- Recommend safe sleep to all families (the ABC's = Alone, on Back, in Crib)
Clinical Features
- Unexpected death of infants <1yr for which no pathologic cause can be determined
Differential Diagnosis
Sick Neonate
- Trauma
- Heart
- Congenital heart disease
- Hypovolemia
- Endocrine
- Metabolic
- Sodium
- Calcium
- Glucose
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Seizure
- Formula / feeding problems
- Intestinal Disasters
- Toxin
- Sepsis
- Examine for signs of nonaccidental trauma
- Bruising, petechiae (especially to face on conjunctivae), torn frenulum, blood in mouth or nares
- SIDS is a post-mortem diagnosis; ED chart should read "sudden unexpected death in infancy"
- Infants with rigor mortis, livedo reticulrais, pH <6, or reduced temperature in absence of environmental hypothermia should not be resuscitated
- Do not manipulate body - all cases require evaluation by coroner/ME
- Deceased, by definition
See Also
- ↑ Brousseau T, Sharieff GQ. Newborn emergencies: the first 30 days of life. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2006 Feb;53(1):69-84, vi.
- The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. N Engl J Med 2009; 361:795-805