Eye exam
(Redirected from Slit-lamp exam)
8-point eye exam includes[1]
- Visual acuity
- Pupil exam
- EOM and alignment
- Confrontational visual fields
- External exam
- Slit-lamp exam
- Fundoscopy
Visual Acuity
- (OD (R)/ OS (L))
- Obtain VA while wearing correction
- Pinhole occluder will aid in uncorrected refractive error
- Progression from better to worse:
- CF, count fingers
- HM, hand motions only
- Light perception with projection, LP
- Eye can determine which direction light is coming from (left, right, up, down)
- Light perception without projection (cannot tell direction)
- No light perception, NLP
Slit Lamp Exam
- Lids and Lashes
- Eversion
- Conjunctiva and Sclera
- Injection, hemorrhage, discharge
- Cornea
- Fluorescein for abrasions, foreign bodies
- Perforation (staining or pooling - Seidel's sign)
- Anterior Chamber
- Cell and flare
- Iris
- Lens
- APD (afferent pupillary defect)
- Affected pupil enlarges in response to light
- Due to optic nerve dysfunction-neuritis vs retinal damage
Slit Lamp Abbreviations
- L/L (lids/lashes) = nl
- C (conjunctiva) = cl
- K (cornea) = cl
- A/C (anterior chamber) = D/Q (dark/quiet)
- I (iris) = R/R (round/reactive)
- L (lens) = cl
(cl = clear; nl = normal)
Fundoscopic Exam
- Optic disc for cupping/pallor/swelling/hemorrhage
- Central retina for hemor/pallor
- Peripheral retina for vessel appearance/hemorrhage/detachment
Retinal Images
Open-angle glaucoma (cupping)
Roth spots due to retinal vein occlusion (retinal hemorrhage)
Central retinal artery occlusion: cherry-red spot, retinal edema and narrowing of the vessels.
- Tono-Pen/Applinator/Schiotz
- Visual fields
- Xray with concerns of metal/glass/stone
- See here for Optokinetic drum
See Also
- ↑ Rupp JD. The 8-Point Eye Exam. American Academy of Ophthalmology. MAY 24, 2016. http://www.aao.org/young-ophthalmologists/yo-info/article/how-to-conduct-eight-point-ophthalmology-exam.