Ultrasound: Soft tissue
- Soft tissue ultrasound can help with differentiating abscess from cellulitis
- Many types of foreign bodies can be visualized
- Select linear probe (high frequency probe)
- Scan area of concern (orientation of probe not as important)
- Rotate 90° over area of concern
- Positive
- Cobblestoning - thin lines of fluid between fat globules
- Loss of tissue plain definition
Pearls and Pitfalls
- Cobblestone can also be present in:
- Lymphedema
- Pitting edema secondary to HF
Novice sonographers can predict a positive I&D with SN 0.97 and SP 0.67 (vs clinical exam 0.76 and 0.83)[1]
- Select linear probe (high frequency probe)
- Scan area of concern (orientation of probe not as important)
- Rotate 90° over area of concern
- If hypoechoic area is identified, apply gentle pressure over area
- Positive scan (not all elements are required to make a diagnosis)
- Fluid collect seen has heteroechoic or hypoechoic circular area
- Hyperechoic ring
- Posterior acoustic enhancement
- Swirling or Squish Sign (movement of abscess debris) with compression
- Irregular borders
Pearls and Pitfalls
- Color flow may be used to differentiate vascular and lymphatic structures
- In the inguinal crease strangulated bowel can mimic abscess
- The collection seen under U/S may not correspond with actual collection size
- Hematomas can look similar to abscess, so the right clinical context is needed
Foreign Body
- Select linear probe (high frequency probe)
- Scan area of concern (orientation of probe not as important)
- Rotate 90° over area of concern
- FB can show 2 different signs
- Acoustic shadow - Ring down appearance
- Common with wood and splinters
- Reverberation
- Common with metal such are retained insulin needle
- Acoustic shadow - Ring down appearance
Pearls and Pitfalls
- U/S is no sensitive for FB (U/S will miss a substantial amount of FBs)
- Xray or other modality may be needed for look during negative exams
- Real-time U/S can aid in FB removal
- Water baths may be helpful for extremities
- Place extremity in water bath and place ultrasound probe in water over area of concern
- Does not require ultrasound probe to touch painful area but still allows good visualization
- Place extremity in water bath and place ultrasound probe in water over area of concern
- Scar tissue may mimic FB