Vital signs (peds)

This page is for pediatric patients. For adult patients, see: vital signs. See critical care quick reference for vital signs by age group.


Pediatric vital signs chart[1]

Age Pulse^ Respiratory Rate Systolic BP
Preterm < 1 kg 120-160 30-60 36-58
Preterm 1 kg 120-160 30-60 42-66
Preterm 2 kg 120-160 30-60 50-72
Newborn 126-160 30-60 60-70
Up to 1 year 100-140 30-60 70-80
1-3 years 100-140 20-40 76-90
4-6 years 80-120 20-30 80-100
7-9 years 80-120 16-24 84-110
10-12 years 60-100 16-20 90-120
13-14 years 60-90 16-20 90-120
15 years and older 60-90 14-20 90-130

^Fever directly causes an increase in heart rate of 10 beats per minute per degree centigrade[2]

Newborn Vital Signs[3]

Age Pulse^ Respiratory Rate Systolic BP
Preterm < 1 kg 120-160 30-60 36-58
Preterm 1 kg 120-160 30-60 42-66
Preterm 2 kg 120-160 30-60 50-72
Newborn 126-160 30-60 60-70
Min of life Target sat^^
1 min 60-65%
2 min 65-70%
3 min 70-75%
4 min 75-80%
5 min 80-85%
10 min 85-95%

^Fever directly causes an increase in heart rate of 10 beats per minute per degree centigrade[4] ^^Hyperoxia can be harmful

Systolic Blood Pressure

SBP Rule of Thumb

  • 0-28dy >60
  • 1-12mo >70
  • 1-10yrs = 70 + (Age x 2)
  • >10yrs = >90

Note: Lower limit of DBP = 2/3 SBP

Estimation of Weight

Estimation of Pediatric Weight by Age

See Also

Pediatric Critical Care

See Also


  1. National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines. 2015. 12. Full text
  2. Davies P, Maconochie I. The relationship between body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate in children. Emerg Med J. 2009 Sep;26(9):641-3. doi: 10.1136/emj.2008.061598.
  3. National-Model-EMS-Clinical-Guidelines-23Oct2014
  4. Davies P, Maconochie I. The relationship between body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate in children. Emerg Med J. 2009 Sep;26(9):641-3. doi: 10.1136/emj.2008.061598.